Saturday, January 24, 2009

Welcome Back, Me

It's been a long time since I've posted on here and a lot has happened. I started a new semester a week ago, and I'm now in a creative writing course which is perfect because I love writing. I'm thinking about finding a way to major in creative writing itself and not in journalism or communications. Also, I had a surgery on my nose in an effort to help me breathe better, it worked great and I now feel like a new person who is just finding out what the joy of being able to take in a deep breath through their nose is. (it's awesome.) Anyways, I've never really been the type of blogger to go on and on about my personal life, so that's it for this entry.


I'm pretty ticked off today about a few different things, first of all, Marvel studios (I doubt that's what their really called), is no longer negotiating with Samuel Jackson to play the role of Nick Fury in the new Avengers movie. That really sucks for a few different reasons

  1. I was REALLY hoping that the Avengers movie was going to be based entirely on the Ultimates. Which is basically just The Avengers of Marvel's Ultimate Universe, and in that Universe Nick Fury looks like this: In just the regular Marvel Universe Nick Fury typically looks like:






    Clearly, this shouldn't be such a big deal but it is. Look at how bad ass Ultimate Fury is, and how much he resembles
    Sam Jackson!

  1. The storyline of the movie should be this: Nick Fury calls up Mr. Tony Stark (Iron Man) about how they found Steve Rodger's (Captain America) body frozen in the bottom of the ocean. Iron Man finds Cap's body and they thaw him out. At the same time Dr. Bruce Banner is working on a new Super-Soldier Serum, when he freaks out and turns himself into The Hulk yet again and destroys New York City. (Yes, comic fans this is basically the plot of The Ultimates), my point is with Samuel Jackson we can have awesome lines like "Get that fuckin' Monster outta my city!" We need Samuel Jackson for the Avengers movie!

So anyways, now that I'm back I will be review cds and comics regularly, I'll throw up a movie review every month or so as well. You can also expect blogs such as this on almost a daily basis.

See you next time,


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